Tuesday 10 October 2023


 Water is life 

Structure of water: A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The three atoms make an angle.

Properties of water: water is highly cohesive and adhesive, water has high surface tension, water has high specific heat, water is universal solvent, water has the property of capillary action.

Importance of water: its essential to be keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. nearly all of our bodies major systems depend on water to function and survive. with water making up about 60 percent of your body weight, its no surprise what staying hydrated can do for you.

                                                                            Interesting facts about water: 

Water could be the key to finding life. ... 

Almost all Earth's water is in the oceans. ... 

Most freshwater is in ice. ... 

  • The amount of salt in salt water varies. 


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  3. this is very informational and interesting I now know a lot about water and its characteristics



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